15 August 2011

The just recognised legitimate government of Libya

The pro-NATO ex-Qadhafi Libyans are in a right mess. "The killing of a top rebel commander, Gen. Abdul Fatah Younis, by his own men Thursday exposed divisions within a rebel movement now facing rising anger from Younis' powerful Obeidi tribe. The rebel Transitional National Council seemed paralyzed by the killing, issuing a disingenuous communique that refused to acknowledge that a dissident rebel faction had killed Younis.

On Sunday, rebel militiamen engaged in a shootout here with militiamen described as "fifth column" saboteurs loyal to Kadafi. The firefight underscored the deep fissures along tribal and political fault lines, pitting ex-Kadafi loyalists against former street protesters and tribal-based militias.

Meanwhile, the council is desperately short of cash and fuel as its poorly trained fighters struggle to make headway against the government's military.

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